I Want To Meet ...

As a knight in shining armour 
forth I came - 
but in fear my heart was clad, 
my helmet cast in shame. 

Now I curse my weapons, 
sword and shield. 
My anger and hostility, 
my coldness now must yield. 

I have seen the dry seeds 
come alive. 
I have seen the May Queen's deeds 
make all the world thrive. 

Such strength in this frail life, 
beyond that of steel; 
drawn from earth's core, 
barely sheltered, in its peel. 

Spring! Resolve the winter's knife; 
the frost that left me harmed. 
I will embrace the gifts of life 

Translated into English by Edwin Klint Bywater.

Swedish original

Copyright ©2016:
Translation from Swedish into English: Edwin Klint Bywater

Published with the permission of:
Edwin Klint Bywater, translation.