The Calm Steps Beyond
I listen, I hear life escaping
steadily faster now.
The calm steps beyond -
death, it is you.
Before you were far away -
I held you all too dear.
Now, when I no longer yearn,
now you are there.
Dear death, there is in your essence
something which comforts: mildly,
what you ask for if one has grown up
or lost all of life!
Dear death, there is in your essence
something which purifies clearly:
that which is not with good or evil
you lay bare and naked.
Follow me and let me hold your hand,
it is deeply comforting.
You make what is beautiful bearing and large,
you make the ugly small.
It is as if you wanted something from me.
A present is certainly what you want:
a curious little key -
the little word yes.
Yes, Yes, I wanted to!
Yes, Yes, I want to!
I lay down my piety before your feet -
so that life will go on.
Translated into English
by Jenny Nunn in "To a friend".
Swedish original
Copyright © 1997:
Translation from Swedish into English: Jenny Nunn
Published with the permission of:
Jenny Nunn, translation.
May and Hans Mehlin, Layout.