Hail to those warriors who bleed in the battles,
in spite of scars and wounds shining,
hail to their hard struggle,
hail to their dearly bought victories!
But O young tree, you blossoming maple,
you I love more than warriors' scars.
Your unacquired, happy nobility
is greater than their won battles.
Fresh in life's morning you sprouted from the earth,
fresh, fresh you grew calmly in sun and rain;
anguish you did not know, nor remorse,
nothing of all our sickness.
You blossom in gold and gold vine; in sighings you laugh,
when the wanderer kisses your trunk.
His kiss is a prayer to the eternal beauty
your lovely blossoms thought in the day.
Blessed be, blessed be, fair-growing maple!
You do not need the combatants' victories.
In you is the repose of lonely forests.
In you is sun of divinity.
For more information, please visit the website of David McDuff and his own pages with the translations.